Conferences and Other Events
"Multisensuality Through History and Across Media. International Scientific Conference", 17-18.11.2022, online. Paper: "Listen to This Crispy Chicken! Sound in Culinary Recipes" (together with Marzena Keating, PhD).
"Seventh International Convention on Food History and Food Studies", 2-3.06.2022, Tours, France. Paper: "Microphone Licking, Perfume Drinking, Chocolate Scratching. Multistability of Eatables in ASMR Culture."
International Scientific Conference "Posthumanismus. Transhumanismus. Jenseits des Menschen?", 25-28.05.2022, Graz, Austria. Paper: "Getting Intimate, Becoming Posthuman? Human-Nonhuman Assemblages in ASMR Videos."
International Scientific Conference "Wastelands. 34th European Association For American Studies Conference", 6-8.04.2022, Madrid, Spain. Paper: "'Your Secret Island of Relaxation and Peace.' Discourse of Hopelessness and Regeneration in the Descriptions of YouTube Channels by American ASMR Creators."
International Scientific Conference "Crossing the Border of Humanity: Cyborgs in Ethics, Law, and Art", 14-15.12.2021, online. Paper: "Cyborg Bodies in ASMR."
"6th Memory, Melancholy and Nostalgia. International Interdisciplinary Conference", 9-10.12.2021, online. Paper: "Lice Check and Classroom Tingles, or Return to Childhood in ASMR Videos."
National Scientific Conference "Emocje" ["Emotions"], 28.11.2021, online. Paper: "Mrowienie, prąd, ciarki. Język afektu w komentarzach użytkowników filmów ASMR w mediach społecznościowych" ["Tingles, Current, Shivers. Affective Language in User Comments on ASMR Videos in Social Media"].
National Scientific Conference "Kanony piękna – postrzeganie, kreowanie, ewolucja" ["The Canons of Beauty – Perception, Creation, Evolution"], 27.11.2021, online. Paper: "Piękno tkwi w uchu słuchającego. O pięknych (albo obrzydliwych) dźwiękach w ASMR w kontekście koncepcji 'deep listening' Pauline Oliveros" ["Beauty is in the ear of the listener. About beautiful (or disgusting) sounds in ASMR in the context of Pauline Oliveros' 'deep listening' concept"].
"5th Dreams, Phantasms and Memories. International Interdisciplinary Conference", 25-26.11.2021, online. Paper: "Capitalism Ate My Sleep but ASMR Brought It Back. Sociocultural Meanings of Sleep in ASMR Culture."
National Scientific Conference "'Na bezrybiu i rak ryba'. Ryby w literaturze, kulturze, języku i mediach" ["Fish in Literature, Culture, Language and Media"], 20.10.2021, Siedlce, Poland. Paper: "Chrupiąca tilapia i akwarium na głowie, czyli o rybach i afekcie w ASMR" ["Crunchy Tilapia and a Fishtank on the Head – About Fish and Affect in ASMR"].
The 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference "Food and Drink as a Curse", 13-14.09.2021, online. Paper: "Fear Thy Fodder! On Food-Related Anxieties in Black Mirror."
Scientific Conference "Wstręt, obrzydzenie, odraza" ["Disgust, Revultion, Loathing"], 15-16.05.2021, online. Paper: "Wydalanie na ekranie, czyli krótko o fekaliach w kinie" ["Excretion on the Screen, or Briefly About Feces in Cinema"].
International Scientific Conference "In/visible. Designs of Social Experience", 30.09-2.10.2020, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Designing Intimacy, or About Gender Roles in ASMR Roleplay Videos."
National Scientific Conference "Kobiety… Studia, dyskursy, paradygmaty oraz konteksty kulturowo-historyczne" ["Women… Studies, Discourses, Paradigms, and Cultural-Historical Contexts"], 20-21.09.2019, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Szepczące kobiety i haptyczna wizualność w filmach ASMR" ["Whispering Women and Haptic Visuality in ASMR Videos"].
National Scientific Conference "Popkultura. Teksty, praktyki, interpretacje" ["Pop Culture. Texts, Practices, Interpretations"], 7-8.09.2019, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Ci wspaniali mężczyźni w swych magicznych okularach (i ich wirtualne dziewczyny). Posthumanizm w wersji pop w Creative Control" ["Those Magnificent Men in Their Magic Glasses (and Their Virtual Girlfriends). Pop Version of Posthumanism in Creative Control"].
International Scientific Conference "The Senses of Science Fiction: Visions, Sounds, Spaces", 5-7.12.2019, Warsaw, Poland. Paper: "'You Poor Broken Android!', or About Science Fiction 'Fixing You' Roleplays in ASMR."
International Scientific Conference "Affects And Their Vicissitudes In The Postdigital Age", 24-25.10.2019, Warsaw, Poland. Paper: "Sounds, Affects, and Nonstandard Intimacies in ASMR."
International Scientific Conference "Representation in the Time of the Posthuman: Transhuman Enhancement in 21st Century Storytelling. 16th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English", 29-31.05.2019, Zaragoza, Spain. Paper: "Representations of (Post?)Human Subjects in Love in Creative Control (2015) and Operator (2016)."
International Scientific Conference "Sex in the States: Manners, Morals, and Mores", 8-9.04.2019, Opole, Poland. Paper: "'The Only Real Choice Is Between Being the Purchaser and the Purchased', or Sex Among Posthumans in Altered Carbon (2018)."
III. National Scientific Conference "Oblicza miłości. Przeszłość – Teraźniejszość – Perspektywy" ["Faces of Love. Past – Present – Perspectives"], 11.05.2018, Lublin, Poland. Paper: "Orgazmotron i pigułki uniesień, czyli o cielesnych uciechach w Barbarelli" ["Orgasmatron and Exaltation Transference Pills, or on Bodily Pleasures in Barbarella"].
National Scientific Conference "Emocje robotów w narracjach kultury i technologii" ["Robot Emotions in Narratives of Culture and Technology"], 19-20.11.2017, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Stawanie-się-Ashem, czyli wzloty i upadki posthumanistycznego podmiotu w Be Right Back" ["Becoming-Ash, or the Rise and Fall of the Posthuman Subject in Be Right Back"].
National Scientific Conference "Człowiek zalogowany: Cyfrowa miłość. Jak internet zmienia bliskie związki?" ["Logged-in Human: Digital Love. How Does the Internet Change Close Relationships?"], 25-26.02.2017, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Bezwładni ludzie, żywe maszyny? Miłość człowieka i robota w filmie Ona Spike'a Jonze'a" ["Inert Humans, Living Machines? The Love Between a Human and a Robot in Spike Jonze's Her"].
3. National Scientific Conference "Światy poza światem: narracje fantastyczne w literaturze i mediach" ["Worlds Beyond the World: Fantastic Narratives in Literature and Media"], 20-21.05.2017, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Jak kochają współczesne cyborgi? Krótki przegląd erotycznych uniesień istot cyborgicznych w filmie science fiction" ["How Do Modern Cyborgs Love? A Brief Overview of the Erotic Ecstasies of Cyborg Beings in Science Fiction Films"].
International Scientific Conference "2017 AFEA Conference: The Pursuit of Happiness ("La Recherche du Bonheur")", 6-9.06.2017, Strasbourg, France. Paper: "Love relationships between humans and machines in Anglo-Saxon science fiction film."
International Doctoral Seminar "Ninth RSC International Ph.D. Seminar", 11-13.05.2016, Middelburg, The Netherlands. Paper: "Affective Response beyond the Gothic: Romantic Encounters of Humans and Artificial Intelligence Agents from Blade Runner to Ex Machina and Uncanny."
National Student and Doctoral Conference "III Łódzkie Spotkanie Studentów Historii Sztuki" ["3rd Łódź Meeting of Art History Students"], 12-14.12.2014, Łódź, Poland. Paper: "'Nie tańczysz sama przed lustrem. Oni na ciebie patrzą!' Kobiety w filmie Czerwony jedwab w kontekście przemian obyczajowych w Tunezji" ["'You Do Not Dance Alone in Front of a Mirror. They Are Looking at You!' Women in the Film Red Silk in the Context of Social Changes in Tunisia"].
International Scientific Conference "Młodzi dla Nauki. Ekonomia-Prawo-Nauki Społeczne i Przyrodnicze" ["Youth for Science. Economics-Law-Social and Natural Sciences"], 20-22.11.2014, Karpacz-Prague, Poland-Czech Republic. Paper: "Randki 2.0., czyli w miłosnym trójkącie z technologią. Analiza filmu Sight" ["Dating 2.0, or in a Love Triangle with Technology. An Analysis of the Film Sight"].
19.05.2023. An invited lecture at the Institute of English Studies, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. The title of the lecture: "ASMR as a New Intimacy Practice."
19.05.2023. Organization of the guest lectures "Affects and Emotions in Film" (Part 2) at the University of Vienna. LINK
26-28.04.2023. Organization of the guest lectures "Affects and Emotions in Film" (Part 1) at the University of Vienna. LINK
17-18.11.2022. Organization of the International Scientific Conference "Multisensuality Through History and Across Media" at the University of Vienna. LINK