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Conferences and Other Events


  1. "Multisensuality Through History and Across Media. International Scientific Conference", 17-18.11.2022, online. Paper: "Listen to This Crispy Chicken! Sound in Culinary Recipes" (together with Marzena Keating, PhD).

  2. "Seventh International Convention on Food History and Food Studies", 2-3.06.2022, Tours, France. Paper: "Microphone Licking, Perfume Drinking, Chocolate Scratching. Multistability of Eatables in ASMR Culture."

  3. International Scientific Conference "Posthumanismus. Transhumanismus. Jenseits des Menschen?", 25-28.05.2022, Graz, Austria. Paper: "Getting Intimate, Becoming Posthuman? Human-Nonhuman Assemblages in ASMR Videos."

  4. International Scientific Conference "Wastelands. 34th European Association For American Studies Conference", 6-8.04.2022, Madrid, Spain. Paper: "'Your Secret Island of Relaxation and Peace.' Discourse of Hopelessness and Regeneration in the Descriptions of YouTube Channels by American ASMR Creators."

  5. International Scientific Conference "Crossing the Border of Humanity: Cyborgs in Ethics, Law, and Art", 14-15.12.2021, online. Paper: "Cyborg Bodies in ASMR."

  6. "6th Memory, Melancholy and Nostalgia. International Interdisciplinary Conference", 9-10.12.2021, online. Paper: "Lice Check and Classroom Tingles, or Return to Childhood in ASMR Videos."

  7. National Scientific Conference "Emocje" ["Emotions"], 28.11.2021, online. Paper: "Mrowienie, prąd, ciarki. Język afektu w komentarzach użytkowników filmów ASMR w mediach społecznościowych" ["Tingles, Current, Shivers. Affective Language in User Comments on ASMR Videos in Social Media"].

  8. National Scientific Conference "Kanony piękna – postrzeganie, kreowanie, ewolucja" ["The Canons of Beauty – Perception, Creation, Evolution"], 27.11.2021, online. Paper: "Piękno tkwi w uchu słuchającego. O pięknych (albo obrzydliwych) dźwiękach w ASMR w kontekście koncepcji 'deep listening' Pauline Oliveros" ["Beauty is in the ear of the listener. About beautiful (or disgusting) sounds in ASMR in the context of Pauline Oliveros' 'deep listening' concept"].

  9. "5th Dreams, Phantasms and Memories. International Interdisciplinary Conference", 25-26.11.2021, online. Paper: "Capitalism Ate My Sleep but ASMR Brought It Back. Sociocultural Meanings of Sleep in ASMR Culture."

  10. National Scientific Conference "'Na bezrybiu i rak ryba'. Ryby w literaturze, kulturze, języku i mediach" ["Fish in Literature, Culture, Language and Media"], 20.10.2021, Siedlce, Poland. Paper: "Chrupiąca tilapia i akwarium na głowie, czyli o rybach i afekcie w ASMR" ["Crunchy Tilapia and a Fishtank on the Head – About Fish and Affect in ASMR"].

  11. The 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference "Food and Drink as a Curse", 13-14.09.2021, online. Paper: "Fear Thy Fodder! On Food-Related Anxieties in Black Mirror."

  12. Scientific Conference "Wstręt, obrzydzenie, odraza" ["Disgust, Revultion, Loathing"], 15-16.05.2021, online. Paper: "Wydalanie na ekranie, czyli krótko o fekaliach w kinie" ["Excretion on the Screen, or Briefly About Feces in Cinema"].

  13. International Scientific Conference "In/visible. Designs of Social Experience", 30.09-2.10.2020, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Designing Intimacy, or About Gender Roles in ASMR Roleplay Videos."

  14. National Scientific Conference "Kobiety… Studia, dyskursy, paradygmaty oraz konteksty kulturowo-historyczne" ["Women… Studies, Discourses, Paradigms, and Cultural-Historical Contexts"], 20-21.09.2019, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Szepczące kobiety i haptyczna wizualność w filmach ASMR" ["Whispering Women and Haptic Visuality in ASMR Videos"].

  15. National Scientific Conference "Popkultura. Teksty, praktyki, interpretacje" ["Pop Culture. Texts, Practices, Interpretations"], 7-8.09.2019, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Ci wspaniali mężczyźni w swych magicznych okularach (i ich wirtualne dziewczyny). Posthumanizm w wersji pop w Creative Control" ["Those Magnificent Men in Their Magic Glasses (and Their Virtual Girlfriends). Pop Version of Posthumanism in Creative Control"].

  16. International Scientific Conference "The Senses of Science Fiction: Visions, Sounds, Spaces", 5-7.12.2019, Warsaw, Poland. Paper: "'You Poor Broken Android!', or About Science Fiction 'Fixing You' Roleplays in ASMR."

  17. International Scientific Conference "Affects And Their Vicissitudes In The Postdigital Age", 24-25.10.2019, Warsaw, Poland. Paper: "Sounds, Affects, and Nonstandard Intimacies in ASMR."

  18. International Scientific Conference "Representation in the Time of the Posthuman: Transhuman Enhancement in 21st Century Storytelling. 16th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English", 29-31.05.2019, Zaragoza, Spain. Paper: "Representations of (Post?)Human Subjects in Love in Creative Control (2015) and Operator (2016)."

  19. International Scientific Conference "Sex in the States: Manners, Morals, and Mores", 8-9.04.2019, Opole, Poland. Paper: "'The Only Real Choice Is Between Being the Purchaser and the Purchased', or Sex Among Posthumans in Altered Carbon (2018)."

  20. III. National Scientific Conference "Oblicza miłości. Przeszłość – Teraźniejszość – Perspektywy" ["Faces of Love. Past – Present – Perspectives"], 11.05.2018, Lublin, Poland. Paper: "Orgazmotron i pigułki uniesień, czyli o cielesnych uciechach w Barbarelli" ["Orgasmatron and Exaltation Transference Pills, or on Bodily Pleasures in Barbarella"].

  21. National Scientific Conference "Emocje robotów w narracjach kultury i technologii" ["Robot Emotions in Narratives of Culture and Technology"], 19-20.11.2017, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Stawanie-się-Ashem, czyli wzloty i upadki posthumanistycznego podmiotu w Be Right Back" ["Becoming-Ash, or the Rise and Fall of the Posthuman Subject in Be Right Back"].

  22. National Scientific Conference "Człowiek zalogowany: Cyfrowa miłość. Jak internet zmienia bliskie związki?" ["Logged-in Human: Digital Love. How Does the Internet Change Close Relationships?"], 25-26.02.2017, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Bezwładni ludzie, żywe maszyny? Miłość człowieka i robota w filmie Ona Spike'a Jonze'a" ["Inert Humans, Living Machines? The Love Between a Human and a Robot in Spike Jonze's Her"].

  23. 3. National Scientific Conference "Światy poza światem: narracje fantastyczne w literaturze i mediach" ["Worlds Beyond the World: Fantastic Narratives in Literature and Media"], 20-21.05.2017, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Jak kochają współczesne cyborgi? Krótki przegląd erotycznych uniesień istot cyborgicznych w filmie science fiction" ["How Do Modern Cyborgs Love? A Brief Overview of the Erotic Ecstasies of Cyborg Beings in Science Fiction Films"].

  24. International Scientific Conference "2017 AFEA Conference: The Pursuit of Happiness ("La Recherche du Bonheur")", 6-9.06.2017, Strasbourg, France. Paper: "Love relationships between humans and machines in Anglo-Saxon science fiction film."

  25. International Doctoral Seminar "Ninth RSC International Ph.D. Seminar", 11-13.05.2016, Middelburg, The Netherlands. Paper: "Affective Response beyond the Gothic: Romantic Encounters of Humans and Artificial Intelligence Agents from Blade Runner to Ex Machina and Uncanny."

  26. National Student and Doctoral Conference "III Łódzkie Spotkanie Studentów Historii Sztuki" ["3rd Łódź Meeting of Art History Students"], 12-14.12.2014, Łódź, Poland. Paper: "'Nie tańczysz sama przed lustrem. Oni na ciebie patrzą!' Kobiety w filmie Czerwony jedwab w kontekście przemian obyczajowych w Tunezji" ["'You Do Not Dance Alone in Front of a Mirror. They Are Looking at You!' Women in the Film Red Silk in the Context of Social Changes in Tunisia"].

  27. International Scientific Conference "Młodzi dla Nauki. Ekonomia-Prawo-Nauki Społeczne i Przyrodnicze" ["Youth for Science. Economics-Law-Social and Natural Sciences"], 20-22.11.2014, Karpacz-Prague, Poland-Czech Republic. Paper: "Randki 2.0., czyli w miłosnym trójkącie z technologią. Analiza filmu Sight" ["Dating 2.0, or in a Love Triangle with Technology. An Analysis of the Film Sight"].


  • 19.05.2023. An invited lecture at the Institute of English Studies, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. The title of the lecture: "ASMR as a New Intimacy Practice."


  • 19.05.2023. Organization of the guest lectures "Affects and Emotions in Film" (Part 2) at the University of Vienna. LINK

  • 26-28.04.2023. Organization of the guest lectures "Affects and Emotions in Film" (Part 1) at the University of Vienna. LINK

  • 17-18.11.2022. Organization of the International Scientific Conference "Multisensuality Through History and Across Media" at the University of Vienna. LINK

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